Vanilla wow best pets
Vanilla wow best pets

So DM Chest,WC Runs,if Horde Trailblazer Boots quests (can be done at 15). During this you want to knock out all your BoP's / Needed Quests. Step 1 - At level 10, you want to tame The Rake right away! This will be your only Pet up until Level 16. So basically make sure your pets are all the same level by mob grinding before turning in quest's. So knowing this, you will mostly want to hold off on turning in quests while your already close to leveling and your pet. ^ Second part of this note is important because if you stack to much rested XP in the later levels 17-19 you will gain extra unnecessary XP while leveling your pet. Your Pets DO NOT get XP from Quest Turn in's and Rested XP is not accounted for Quest turn ins. Pets require 25% of the experience that a player would at the same level! This is incorrect, If you already know this then you still might be unsure on how exactly to tame the 3 ''Main'' Pets (Boar/Serpent/Cat/) and level to minimum of x2 Level 19 and 1 18 (3 lv 19 pets is also possible ! ) and still get Rank 3 Bite and Claw. So lots of people have been getting confused mostly due to misconception that you can level your pets to 19 by farming mobs 6 levels under your current level and not get XP But still manage to get XP for your pet.

Vanilla wow best pets